Return trip to Oberensigen; also Munich, Weilheim, and Prague
Both Sue and I had a great time on our two-week honeymoon in Germany in 1995. We've been meaning to go back again ever since we touched down in Philadelphia after that trip. We decided that 2000 was that year.
Sue feels (and rightly so) that it's a waste to visit Germany without seeing any other parts of Europe. On our honeymoon, we went to Berlin. This time, she planned four days in Prague. We also managed to meet up with a friend of mine in Munich for a day between the two.
Since I took my laptop with me to store the pictures from the camera, I wound up with wonderfully organized pictures for the first time ever. So, here they are, arranged by day:
October 17, 2000: We arrive in Germany, and visit Nuertigen October 18, 2000: The drive to Holzmaden's fossil museum and a visit to Eugene October 19, 2000: We visit Tuebingen with Nina October 20, 2000: A trip to the Foells in Lauffen, and then the Krcmars outside Wolfschlugen October 21, 2000: Walking through Stuttgart, and coffee with Christel and Gudrun October 22, 2000: Visiting the Bauknechts, and a tour of the edge of the Black Forest from Inge October 23, 2000: The Scheerers in the morning, Vesper with Heidi, and Heidi's family at night October 24, 2000: A walk through Hohenneuffen, coffee with Emma and Carol, and dinner at Marco's October 25, 2000: Mane gives us a tour of Munich, and we drive to Weilheim afterward October 26, 2000: Weilheim by day, and then we drive to Prague October 27, 2000: A day in Prague October 28, 2000: Another day of walking in Prague October 29, 2000: We drive from Prague back to Oberensigen, and wind up at a festival in Nuertingen October 30, 2000: Leaving the country Various street signs Short video clips (in QuickTime 4.0 format)