


From Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, this is one of the results from my homemade pinhole matchbox camera. If you’re going to do this yourself, I would add a few things to the directions:

  • the electrical tape should cover every bit of the matchbox when you’re done. Otherwise it may leak light.
  • The edges of the mask will show fibers (as above). If you want a cleaner edge, cut a mask out of the aluminum can and tape it inside the matchbox.
  • Remember to buy film ahead of time or your local film store will gouge you $8/roll for Acros 100, which sells from B&H for $3.95.

I made two pinhole cameras for the event. And I’m glad I did. One leaked light so badly that all of its shots are totally ruined. The other camera leaked too (the line of light along the bottom is a leak through the back of the box, I believe) but many of the shots were salvageable. I’m not sure what’s up with the lack of focus, though – *none* of the shots were in focus. Not even remotely.

So, of course, I’ve built a new version and will try again. When B&H delivers more film to my door.

Update: This has been placed in the official WWPPD gallery for 2010.